Monday, May 6, 2019

What are the factors that influence effective discharge from hospital Literature review

What are the factors that influence effective discharge from hospital of older state - Literature review ExampleThe discussion aimed at analysing and investigating factors that influence effective discharge from hospital of older pot. For this purpose, literature analysis pertaining to the query topic was conducted. After filtering more than 500 look for cover of the period 2008-13 a total of 15-20 were selected with the criteria of focusing on the strategies related to the effective discharge of older people. found on the results, it was found that effective discharge of older people depends on a number of internal and external factors. In this regard, system and health care environment, patients knowledge, social factors, healthcare policies, effective communication, and planned policies play an authorised and decisive role. Additionally, it was found that hospitals need to focus more on understanding the needs and demands of older people and accordingly planning the judi cial decision and discharge policies leading to mutual value. Finally, it was concluded that effective discharge policies lead proper planning, transparent assessment, and effective policies and communication for creating better results.Exclusion criteria were kept simple and precise and thus, articles, research papers, journals, and irrelevant academic books were excluded from the selection criteria. Articles accused of duplication and offering little understanding over the research topic were also not included. Additionally, studies conducted outside the UK and Western countries were also not included in the assessment and analysis process. Articles adding little value in terms of offering information on discharge policies of hospitals were excluded. training through conferences and other proceedings were not used for the assessment process.20Stuen believed that effective discharge is a process used to decide the requirements of patients in terms of moving from one stage to anot her. In the healthcare industry, effective discharge of

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